Lab Manual | Setting up the drawing environment

Setting up the drawing environment by setting drawing limit, drawing unit, naming the drawing, having layers, setting line up for different of layer using various types of live in orthographic drawing and sawing the drawing.


DRAWING LIMITS: – This command is used to define the extant of drawing. This is also used for turning limits on orthographic limits are turned off by default which means that there is no restriction as to whose press can be picket and object drawn. When limit is on AUTO CAD will not allow point to be picked as co-ordinates entered of the specified drawing limits. If you try to pick a point outside the drawing limits.


Auto CAD menu utilizes loaded.

Auto CAD Express Tools Menu loaded.

Command:!_ limits

Reset Model space limits:

Specify lower left corner or [ON/OFF] <0.0000,0.0000>:

Specify upper right corner <420.0000,297.0000>:420,297 DRAWING UNITS:-

SELECITION OF SCALE:- As a general rule, everything you draw with auto cad should be drawn full size when drawing on full scale of drawing must be declared depending upon the size of object being drawn.


LINEAR UNTS:- The seare fine different units type for you to choose from one of which is decimal of default.

SAVE DRAWING: – Allows you to save fit under new name. A dialogue box will be appear giving a wish to save the file to a new plane.

LAYERS: – This command allow is to create a multi layers drawn on. It allows you to control the colour, line type, activity and visibility of individual layer.



Pull drawn formula units

Keyboard units.

When start the unit command the first ling seen in the drawing unit box and shown in the right. The box is divided into four. In a addition the lies section also allow to specify the direction in which are measured.

clip_image001SAVE AS DRAWING FILE:- to across the save as command, select SAVE AS under the file menu, OR type save it a command = promp.

TO CREATE A NEW LINE TYPE:- open the layer properties manager dialogue box, Click on the type name displayed in the row that indicates the properties at a layer. The select line type dialogue box will appear.

TO LOAD A NEW LINE TYPE:- open the layer properties manager of dialogue box. Click on the line type name displayed in the row that indicates the properties at a layer. The select line type dialogue box will appear.

TO CHANGE THE LINE THICKNESS:- open the layer properties manager diagram bow click on the line under the heading line cut in the line properties.

TO DELETE LAYER:- open the layer properties may diagram box, click on the layer name and then press del etc. and confirm the deletion by pressing ‘OK’.

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