Principle and Working of MILLING MACHINE

MILLING MACHINE   Introduction: Milling is the cutting operation that removes metal by feeding the work against a rotating, cutter having single or multiple cutting edges. Flat or curved surfaces of many shapes can be machined by milling with good … Continued

Principle and Working of PLANER MACHINE

PLANER MACHINE Introduction: The planer is a machine tool designed to produce plane and flat surface on a workpiece which is too large or too heavy. The workpiece is securely fixed on a table called platen, and it reciprocates horizontally … Continued

Principle and Working of SHAPER MACHINE

SHAPER MACHINE Introduction: The shaper is a machine tool used primarily for: 1. Producing a flat or plane surface which may be in a horizontal, a vertical or an angular plane. Last Updated: Wednesday, October 21, 2009