Drilling Operations | Spot facing

Spot facing: Spot facing is the operation of smoothing and squaring the surface around and at the end of a hole so as to provide a smooth seat for a nut or for the head of a cap screw. Spot … Continued

Drilling Operations | Drilling

Drilling: Drilling is the operation of producing a hole by removing metal from a solid mass by the rotating edge of a cutting tool known as drill. Last Updated: Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Principle and Working of DRILLING MACHINE

DRILLING MACHINE Introduction: The drilling machine or drill press is one of the most common and useful machine employed in industry for producing forming and finishing holes in a workpiece. The unit essentially consists of: Last Updated: Wednesday, October 21, … Continued

Milling Operations | Gang milling

Gang milling: Simultaneous machining of a number of flat horizontal and vertical surfaces of a workpiece by using a combination of more than two cutters mounted on a common arbor. Last Updated: Wednesday, October 21, 2009