Basic Concept of Thermodynamics

Introduction It is important to note that thermodynamics is concerned only with energy changes accompanying a given process (physical or chemical) and not with the total energy of the body. Further chemical thermodynamics is that branch of thermodynamics which deals … Continued


INTRODUCTION TO METAL CUTTING: Metal cutting is the process of producing a job by removing a layer of unwanted material from a given workpiece. Fig. shows the schematics of a typical metal cutting process in which a wedge shaped, sharp … Continued

Principle and Working of SLOTTING MACHINE

SLOTTING MACHINE Introduction: The slotting machine is a reciprocating machine tool in which, the ram holding the tool reciprocates in a vertical axis and the cutting action of the tool is only during the downward stroke. Last Updated: Wednesday, October … Continued

Drilling Operations | Counter sinking

Counter sinking: Counter sinking is the operation of making a cone shaped enlargement at the end of a hole to provide recess for a flat head screw or a countersunk rivet. The counter-sunks (tools used for counter sinking) carry included … Continued