Thirteen Multiple Choice Questions on Theory of Simple Bending
Question.1. Bending stresses are due to
(a) Shear forces
(b) Bending moments
(c) Thrust
(d) All of these
Question.2. Bending stresses are also known as
(a) Longitudinal stresses
(b) Shear stresses
(c) Temp stresses
(d) Hoop stresses
Question.3. Neutral axis of the beam is the axis
(a) Of zero stresses
(b) Of maximum stress
(c) Of negative stress
(d) Of positive stress
Question.4. When a beam is subjected to a bending moment the strain in a layer is ………………the distance from the neutral axis.
(a) Independent of
(b) Directly proportional to
(c) Inversely proportional to
(d) None of these
Question.5. The section modulus (Z) is given by
Question.6. In a cantilever beam loaded with U.D.L. over the whole span, the stress at the top fibre will be
(a) Tensile
(b) Compressive
(c) Depends upon intensity of U.D.L.
(d) Both (a) and (c)
Question.7. When a simply supported beam is loaded with a point load at the centre, the maximum tensile stress is developed on the
(a) Top fibre
(b) Bottom fibre
(c) Neutral axis
(d) None of these
Question.8. In the bending equation
(a) Stress at the top fibre
(b) Stress at the bottom fibre
(c) Maximum stress induced in the beam
(d) Stress in a fibre which is at a distance ‘y’ from the neutral axis
Question.9. The strength of a beam depends upon
(a) Its section modulus
(b) Permissible bending stress
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
Question.10. In the bending equation
, I represents
(a) Moment of inertia about horizontal axis
(b) Moment of inertia about vertical axis
(c) Moment of inertia about an axis about which bending takes place
(d) None of these
Question.11. The section modulus of a circular section about an axis passing through its centre is
Question.12. The section modulus of a rectangular section
) about an axis through its C.G. and parallel to the base ‘b’ is
Question.13. In a simply supported beam loaded with U.D.L over the whole section, the bending stress is …………. at top and ………….. at bottom.
(a) Compressive, tensile
(b) Tensile, compressive
(c) Tensile, zero
(d) Compressive, zero
1. (b) 2.(a) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (b) 6. (d) 7. (b)
8. (d) 9. (c) 10. (c) 11. (c) 12. (c) 13. (a)